Code Style

Good style makes your code more legible to others, making collaboration and adaptation much easier. While syntactic conventions vary across languages and even between groups of users of single languages, the most important element of good code style is consistency.

Make sure that all of your code is formatted consistently, including indentation and other whitespace, variable names, function declarations, for-loops, if-statements, etc.

Style Guides

Style guides are documents that lay out stylistic conventions for items such as use of whitespace, variable naming, and comment formatting. They are essential for ensuring stylistic consistency across the different coders on a project and across different projects within a single organization.

The following style guides are recommended for use in Steer coding projects.


Linters are lightweight utilities used to check if code adheres to a specified set of stylistic rules. Linters can often be incorporated directly into modern text editors via extensions, and frequently provide suggested fixes to problems (but don't blindly trust these).

The following linters are recommended for use in Steer coding projects.


Comments are an essential part of your code, but it's also important to avoid overcommenting. If you've written clean code that follows good practices and the agreed-upon style guide, what your code does should already be fairly clear. Sparingly-used comments that describe what is happening in tricky parts of your code and why certain things are done are much preferred to comments describing what every line of code does.

# bad

i = 0          # set iterator to 0
while i < 3:   # loop until i reaches 3
    print(i)   # print value of i
    i = i + 1  # increment i

# good

# Loop from 0 to 3, print values.
i = 0
while i < 3:
    i = i + 1

# bad

i <- 0           # set iterator to 0
while (i < 3) {  # loop until i reaches 3
    print(i)     # print value of i
    i <- i + 1   # increment i

# good

# Loop from 0 to 3, print values.
i <- 0
while (i < 3) {
    i <- i + 1
// bad

let i = 0;          // set iterator to 0
while (i < 3) {     // loop until i reaches 3
  console.log(i);   // print value of i
  i += 1;           // increment i

// good

// Loop from 0 to 3, print values.
let i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
  i += 1;


Whichever language you are using, make sure that your names make it clear what your variables are and what your functions do. A good rule of thumb is to use nouns for variable names and verbs (sometimes in combination with nouns) for function names. Avoid using throwaway names or abbreviations that are not meaningful. It is also generally not recommended to include an object's type in its name.

Functions and variable names in Python and R use snake_case, while functions and variables in JavaScript use camelCase. See the recommended style guides for conventions on formats for the names of other objects.

See the code block below for various good and bad naming examples.

# bad

v = 1300

purp_string = 'work'

def my_function(x):
    return 5 * x

def area(x):
    return math.pi * x**2

# good

volume = 1300

trip_purpose = 'work'

def multiply_by_five(x):
    return 5 * x

def calculate_circle_area(radius):
    return math.pi * radius**2

# bad

v <- 1300

purp_string <- "work"

my_function <- function(x) {
    return(5 * x)

area <- function(x) {
    return(pi * x^2)

# good

volume <- 1300

trip_purpose <- "work"

multiply_by_five <- function(x) {
    return(5 * x)

calculate_circle_area <- function(radius) {
    return(pi * radius^2)
// bad

const v = 1300;

const purpString = "work";

function myFunction(x) {
  return 5 * x;

function area(x) {
  return Math.PI * x ** 2;

// good

const volume = 1300;

const tripPurpose = "work";

function multiplyByFive(x) {
  return 5 * x;

function calculateCircleArea(radius) {
  return Math.PI * radius ** 2;

Note that a short variable name like x is acceptable as the name of the only argument to a simple function, and i is acceptable as an iterator.

Readability vs. Performance

Readability and simplicity should be prioritized over performance with few exceptions, since the small reduction in efficiency is rarely enough to matter. At Steer, possible exceptions may include web design (where efficiency of client-side code is very important) and processing of very large datasets.

# bad

share_auto = (math.exp(msc_auto + beta_tt * tt_auto)
    / (math.exp(msc_auto + beta_tt * tt_auto)
    + math.exp(beta_tt * tt_bus + beta_wt * wt_bus)))

# better

utility_auto = msc_auto + beta_tt * tt_auto
utility_bus = beta_tt * tt_bus + beta_wt * wt_bus

share_auto = math.exp(utility_auto) / (math.exp(utility_auto)
    + math.exp(utility_bus))
# bad

share_auto <- (exp(msc_auto + beta_tt * tt_auto)
    / (exp(msc_auto + beta_tt * tt_auto)
    + exp(beta_tt * tt_bus + beta_wt * wt_bus)))

# better

utility_auto <- msc_auto + beta_tt * tt_auto
utility_bus <- beta_tt * tt_bus + beta_wt * wt_bus

share_auto <- exp(utility_auto) / (exp(utility_auto)
    + exp(utility_bus))
// bad

const shareAuto =
  Math.exp(mscAuto + betaTT * ttAuto) /
  (Math.exp(mscAuto + betaTT * ttAuto) +
    Math.exp(betaTT * ttBus + betaWT * wtBus));

// better

const utilityAuto = mscAuto + betaTT * ttAuto;
const utilityBus = betaTT * ttBus + betaWT * wtBus;

const shareAuto =
  Math.exp(utilityAuto) / (Math.exp(utilityAuto) + Math.exp(utilityBus));

Note that in this example, any efficiency gains associated with the "bad" example are wiped out if the intermediate utility values are needed for another calculation, since they will need to be recomputed.

Other Best Practices

  • Avoid deep nesting, which can make code very difficult to read.
  • Limit line length, typically to 80 characters or less. This generally eliminates the need for horizontal scrolling and line wrapping when editing.
Last Updated:
Contributors: Andrew Desautels